All the fields that are added in Resources are available for utilization in the crop management.
The first step when setting up one crop production is linking the fields on which a specific crop is grown. This step is available as soon as you enter into one crop production.
"Linking" a field in AGRIVI means assigning that field to a particular crop, in a particular time period. This allows the system to recognize which crop was grown on which field during a certain period. This is important for the calculations which will directly reflect in the dashboards as well as reports once you start analyzing your data.
Link field
When linking a field to a crop production, there are a couple of steps that need to be followed:
- Choose the field you would like to link from the list of available fields
- Surface tab - shows field's total surface
- Available surface - shows surface that is not linked to any crop production and it stands for available surface for linking
- Linked surface - the surface of the specific field you would like to link to a specific crop. This does not have to be the whole amount. You can enter the real-time surface.
- Link and unlink date - shows the date of linking/unlinking of a certain field on a crop production. If you are linking a field for a permanent crop, the date needs to be the date on which the crop was first planted (for example, 10 years ago).
Note: It is recommended to leave the "Unlink date" tab empty for as long as you have activities in a specific field. As soon as the activities for a specific crop are completely over, you can easily enter the unlink date.
You can link multiple fields to one crop production depending on your actual process and production.
Linking a field to a crop production during some period allows you to track inventory stock consumption, workers and machinery work, yield and finances of some crop on a certain field. In that way, you can analyze consumption, productivity, and yield per fields. Linking fields to crop production allow you also to track weather forecast and pest alarms.
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