Budgeting in General center
General center is the name for the cost center which is not related to any particular crop or field. In General Center you will be able to make a record of items that will be used generally and on all crop productions together. In General Center you can assign everything that is not tied to a specific crop production but is divided on all.
After choosing a cost center, the next step is to choose the item category.
In the list of item categories, for some is listed a drop-down of related items (fertilizers, pesticides, crop, seed, and fuel). For others, there is a possibility to type the item manually.
In the case when you are not sure which item exactly you will use and therefore which item to plan, you can plan for the whole category instead. That way, you have the possibility to plan easier with little to no corrections in budget records.
For example, you know that you will use some fertilizer but not sure which one exactly (Urea, NPK 7:20:30, NPK 15:15:15), so you will plan the whole category Fertilizer instead.
Whether you want to budget a specific item or the whole category, in General center for that item you can only enter the total planned amount.
Since General center is not related to any crop production, it does not allow distribution per fields. For that reason, other features such as unit price, quantity per ha, and total quantity are not available as well.
Budgeting in Crop production centers
Each crop production center is related to a specific crop and fields linked to that crop. In the case when you want to buy some pesticide, fertilizer, seed or anything else that will be used for a specific crop production, you will make records in related budgeting center.
For example, pesticide Amistar will be used only on crop barley so this item will be budgeted in budgeting center Barley.
The same as in General center, after choosing a certain Crop production cost center, the next step is choosing the item category from the drop down list of a certain category.
Also, if you are not sure which item exactly will be used for the crop production, you can plan for the whole category instead.
Whether you want to budget a specific item or the whole category, in Crop production centers for that item by clicking on ‘’distribution’’ icon you can type a unit price and planned quantity per ha. Total planned quantity and amount is automatically calculated according to the total field surface linked to a certain crop production and unit price.
Since total planned quantity is calculated automatically according to fields, you have the possibility to make manual distribution per fields. This manual distribution can be made before or after saving the records.
At any moment, there is also a possibility to edit all other inputs in budgeted records by clicking on Edit button in Options at each budgeted record.
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