Season templates allow users to quickly and easily plan their growing seasons.
To create your own digital season template:
- Navigate to "Crop Management" - "Crop productions" then select the "Season templates" tab.
- Click “Add season template” to create a new template, entering the name of the template, the crop production to which you are assigning it, and the template order.
- While the template name and order can be edited after the fact, take care to assign the template to the correct crop, because this information cannot be edited later.
- Once added, your season templates can be populated with predefined lists of activities for every crop you grow, facilitating fast and easy season planning.
- To create activity lists, click on “Add task template” for each activity you plan to perform during the growing season.
- For each activity template entry, specify the name and task order which determines the order of the task in the activity list.
To learn more, click HERE.
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