All planned, ongoing or finished activities executed during the growing season can be registered within a Crop Production, under the Tasks tab.
To register planting, simply click "Add task" and select the "Planting" category.
Within the planting task, under the Planting section, you may enter transplanting/sowing data such as the variety, quantity of seeds or propagation material planted, date, plant age, density, etc. To register this activity, you must first have seeds or propagation materials stored in your inventory.
Existing permanent crops may be entered in the Plants and Varieties tab, by clicking "Register existing plants."
Note: Registering planting/sowing is necessary to view certain analytics in the Dashboards and Reports modules. If some of your analytics are not appearing, you may have skipped this step.
To learn more, take a look at our "How to register planting and sowing" video.
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